The Jackson Family

Thomas Aborne

Date of Birth


Place of Birth


Towns / Cities Moved Into

Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America

Known Occupation





Death Information

Year of death

June 27, 1643

Place of death

Salem, Massachusetts

Cause of death


Burial location





Lora Anderson

Marital Status

Married Mary Smith

Buckinghamshire, England


Narrative / Story

In the heart of 16th century England, around 1550, Thomas Aborne’s story began. Born to Lora Anderson, Thomas grew up during the transformative Tudor era, a period marked by profound religious and political shifts. This was the age of the English Reformation, where England witnessed the dramatic separation from the Roman Catholic Church, reshaping not only religious but also social landscapes.

Thomas’s life took a significant turn when he married Mary Smith in Buckinghamshire, England, before 1577. Their marriage, likely influenced by the era’s social norms, was more than a union of two hearts; it was a strategic alliance that mirrored the period’s socio-economic structures. Together, they welcomed their daughter, Katherine Foster, into a world where the majority lived under the rustic simplicity of rural life, amidst the backdrop of the enclosure movement that was transforming English agriculture and rural society.

The year 1634 marked a pivotal chapter in Thomas’s life. Along with many others influenced by the Great Puritan Migration, Thomas embarked on a journey to the Massachusetts Bay Colony in British Colonial America. This decision, possibly spurred by the desire for religious freedom or new economic opportunities, plunged him into a life of pioneering challenges. The New World was a land of harsh winters and untamed wilderness, demanding resilience and adaptability from its settlers.

Life in the colonies was a stark contrast to England. As an immigrant, Thomas faced the daunting task of establishing a new life in a society where the social hierarchy was less pronounced but not without its challenges. He likely engaged in agriculture, the backbone of the colonial economy, navigating through the complexities of a new social and economic landscape. This period was not without its hardships, and as a newcomer, Thomas might have encountered skepticism or discrimination from established settlers.

Thomas’s journey through life came to a close on June 27, 1643, in Salem, Massachusetts. His remarkable lifespan of 94 years was a testament to his endurance in an era when life expectancy was much lower. His death marked the end of a life that spanned across two continents, two vastly different worlds.

Thomas Aborne’s life is a narrative of resilience, adaptation, and the enduring human spirit. His story, from the rural fields of England to the pioneering shores of America, encapsulates the broader narrative of migration and settlement that shaped both English and American histories. His journey reflects the experiences of many who sought new beginnings in a new world, braving unknown challenges in pursuit of a better life. Thomas’s legacy is a reminder of the enduring human quest for opportunity, freedom, and a place to call home.

historical Events

Wedding, Marriage & Home


He married Mary Smith in 1577 in Buckinghamshire, England


He immigrated to Massachusetts Bay Colony, British Colonial America in 1634

Notable Things Done in Lifetime



Relevant events in their time period in their town

